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Copyright @2009 All rights Reserved 厦门益耳医疗器械有限公司 版权所有 闽ICP备10028167
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峰力公司跃升为全球最大助听器厂商 |
2009年05月25日 |
以下是Sonova集团2008/09财年年报原文内容 Sonova Full-Year Results 2008/09 Sonova achieves strong organic sales growth of 7.8% and extends its position as market and innovation leader Despite the adverse economic climate, Sonova managed to achieve record sales of CHF 1,249 million and further expanded its market share on the back of organic growth of 7.8% in local currencies and 3.0% growth from acquisitions. Profitability was maintained at a high level, with an EBITA margin of 26.6%. Income after taxes amounted to CHF 284 million. - New sales record of CHF 1,249 million - the Sonova Group has increased its market share to around 23%, making it the world's biggest manufacturer of hearing systems according to sales. - Organic sales growth of 7.8% significantly exceeded hearing instrument market growth - 3.0% growth by acquisitions - distribution network further strengthened through acquisitions and foundation of new Group Companies - EBITA margin of 26.6% maintained at a high level despite negative currency effects - 62% of sales achieved with products launched less than two years ago - most innovative and comprehensive product portfolio in the industry - Board of Directors proposes the election of three new members to the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting - Positive outlook for the financial year 2009/10: based on current market conditions, the Sonova Group expects an organic growth of 6-8% in local currencies and an EBITA margin around the previous year's level
相关链接: 中国听力学网站相关报道: http://www.chineseaudiology.com/news/html/2009519150038.html
峰力公司跃升为全球最大助听器厂商 | |